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We are only 4 weeks away from our first ever Christmas @ the Dokken’s; our official name will be “Christmas @ “Lupinewald.” Janet and I...
Biased Men of God
By Pastor Joe Biased Men of God First, let me clearly state the title does not discriminate against the opposite sex because many...
Justice & Mercy
The majority of this information comes from an article written by Brian Rosner. I have edited down his three-page article into some key...
A Sign of the Political Times
This is an excerpt from the Family Research Council; it fits very nicely with our current series of messages. WHAT IS “POLITICS?” The...
Nyctalopia (Night Blindness)
A number of people I know have a mild form of a medical condition called night blindness. Typically the sign of this age-related symptom...
Treadmill Christianity...
I have never been a big fan of treadmills, although there have been seasons in my life where I forced myself to use one to increase my...
Absent From The Body...
“Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.” 2...
Words From A Friend - Part 4b
Here is the final article from a friend of mine, Alan Langstaff. Please consider his words and pray about his research. IGNORANCE...
Words From A Friend - Part 4a
Two more weeks of articles will continue to come from a friend of mine, Alan Langstaff. Please consider his words and pray about his...
Pastor Ben, Lydia & Lilly
I remember back when Gary Bell said to me, “You should really consider Ben Mighton if you’re looking for a youth pastor for Hawthorne...
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