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Review & Redundancy! by Pastor Joe

As you read this article, you’ll realize I wrote these thoughts a number of years ago. But with all of the new faces and families attending our fellowship, I thought it would be beneficial for them and us to have the history of these articles called “ES”. I promised never to repeat an article and just “grab one” out of my file and reuse it on the back of the bulletin, unless I tell you clearly upfront that is what I am doing. Just like my 20/30 sermon series. Hopefully you’ll appreciate my little variance with my promise. Janet and I appreciate our staff and leadership who will be overseeing this weekend’s service. Pastor Dave will be sharing the Word today in Spooner and some of our church members will be there supporting their launch. Scott and Brandi Tintes will be joining us on October 24th as our new Children’s Pastor! Together is Better!

Welcome to Pastor Joe’s new article/column titled “Eternal Significance” or “ES” for simplicity. I know I have told the story how this terminology has become part of my daily thought life. My friend Greg shared with me the importance of keeping an eternal perspective on every decision I make, no matter how difficult it might be to fulfill. Whether it is work related, where you live, what church you attend, how you raise your children, the group of people you spend your free time with, what you watch and read through various media options, and much more. Everything we do or consider should be weighed on the scale of Eternal Significance.

Obviously, common sense rules the day as to things like going to work on time, paying your bills, getting proper nutrition, healthy sleeping, and many other activities. Yet it is not too farfetched to consider “Eternal Significance” as it relates to what you are eating. Consuming junk food usually means unhealthy outward symptoms. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, so “ES”, in a way, does matter when it comes to nutrition.

I want “ES” to be a part of your spiritual equation. I want “ES” to be the guiding principle for this column. For 13 years I wrote a weekly article while serving as Senior Pastor in Northfield MN. It would be easy to just “tweak” those articles and update as needed for our congregation. I want you to know every article will be brand new, but great nuggets of truth from the past will definitely be used.

Why am I telling you these details? Because it requires me to dig deeper, and not just take the path of least resistance. “ES” requires me to press in, to give you Jesus with excellence. As a side note, my previous secretary accidentally threw away every article I had on file, and to add insult to injury, our church computer hard drive crashed, and we were unable to retrieve the old columns.

Yet “ES” says give your best, and don’t settle for leftovers! Let me challenge you to live with Eternal Significance!


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