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Samuel Brassfield

I’ve mentioned this individual’s name a couple times, during some sermons, over the last five years here at Hawthorne Assembly. Sam Brassfield grew up in Oklahoma and was called into the ministry as a young boy. He attended Southwest Bible College, an Assemblies of God University, in Waxahachie, Texas. After graduating from Bible college Sam was on staff at different churches in Texas and Oklahoma. He felt called to go to Indonesia as a missionary where he served for several years and after returning from the mission field returned to full-time ministry in a local church. He was asked by the Rocky Mountain District of the Assemblies of God to start a new church in the Grand Junction area and in the early 1980s Church on The Rock began. Janet and I were living in Colorado Springs, Colorado from 1985 until 1989. It was during our time in Colorado where I felt called into the ministry, more specifically recalled into the ministry. I believe I was called into the ministry when I was in my teens, but I was questioning what I now know was the calling of God. So, somewhere in the late ’80s, while involved with the local youth group at 1st Assembly, I clearly knew this was the direction for my life. One day, in 1989, a phone call from a church in Grand Junction Colorado was answered and the pastor was asking me if I would consider the youth pastor position. That individual on the other end of the line was Sam Brassfield. I am very thankful Sam Brassfield gave me an opportunity to be a youth pastor at a church where no one knew who I was or knew anything about me. The church met Janet and me during a meet and greet weekend which included spending some time with leaders in the interview process. Let me clarify one specific and important point; a very good friend of mine Kirk Strand, who is an Assemblies of God minister in South Dakota, gave my name to Sam Brassfield. Often in ministry, it’s not what you know, it's who you know that opens doors for possible ministry positions and future opportunities. Nevertheless, Sam Brassfield decided to give a young man an opportunity to be the youth pastor of a growing church on the western slope of Colorado. Pastor Brassfield was a very interesting individual and I learned a lot about ministry during those two years on staff. One of the most important things observed and notated was his zeal for the Lord and his faith-filled preaching. There was no compromise in his life and believing for the power of God to flow at any and all times was clearly evident in his walk.

It was at Church on the Rock where the gifts of the spirit were in full operation, and many of us regularly witnessed supernatural healing. The Spirit of God was moving! Sam Brassfield was considered a maverick in the Assemblies of God and although there were times when he and I did not see eye to eye, his input in my life was very important and timely. It was also a time in the life of Janet where she was launched into a greater level and calling of ministry relating to music and worship. The reason for this article is to tell you, the reader, I believe in you because somebody believed in me! All of us need to see the people in our fellowship, especially those who have a desire to grow spiritually as the next person deserving a phone call. We need to make the extra effort to help them by giving them opportunities to fulfill their calling right now! I’m so thankful for Sam Brassfield who saw the potential in my life back in 1989 and here I am today paying it forward through the lives of many of you because I see your life and calling just as important. It does not matter whether it is a call to full-time ministry or just being used by God for a specific purpose or ministry, it is all wonderful! 2 Timothy 2:2 needs to be active and alive in this local fellowship.


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